Petsciiator - Web edition

This is an experimental web version of Petsciiator, a tool to convert JPG/PNG images into Commodore PETSCII.
For convenience, the configuration will be saved in a cookie on your computer at each run.

Uploaded images will only be stored during the conversion and will be deleted once your download starts.

In addition, you can convert the uploaded image into Koala Painter format as well.

Please note: This server runs on a Raspberry Pi 4. So please don't expect great performance out of it.
Petsciiator will most likely run much faster on your local PC.

Drop image here...

Converter configuration

Koala Painter configuration

Here, you can enable an additional conversion into the well known Koala Painter format.
This has no influence on the actual PETSCII-conversion.

PETSCII converter configuration